DLM tappi

Produzione tappi tecnici e protezione filetti in plastica

Doppelkappen für Banjos ECO

IT:FILETTO REF.EN:REF. THREADFR:Filet Ref.DE:Gewinde Ref.ES:Rosca Ref.CZ:Závit Ref.PL:Gwint Ref.

Codice A B
TOR 10-1/2 ECO 10.2 5.1
TOR 12-1/2 ECO 12.8 8.5
TOR 13-1/2 ECO 13.6 6.0
T 15 ECO 15.2 9.0
TOR 16-1/2 ECO 17.5 7.5
TOR 17-1/2 ECO 17.5 7.0
TOR 18-1/2 ECO 18.5 9.0
TOR 21-1/2 ECO 21.2 11.0
TOR 22-1/2 ECO 22.2 11.0
TOR 27-1/2 ECO 27.5 12.0

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