DLM tappi

Produzione tappi tecnici e protezione filetti in plastica

Capuchons pour Raccords Banjo ECO

IT:FILETTO GASEN:GAS THREADFR:Filetage pour gazDE:Gas-GewindeES:Rosca GasCZ:Plynové vláknoPL:Gwint gazowy

Codice A B C
CAP 3/4 ECO 46.0 50.0 30.0
CAP 1 ECO 56.0 60.5 37.0

IT:FILETTO REF.EN:REF. THREADFR:Filet Ref.DE:Gewinde Ref.ES:Rosca Ref.CZ:Závit Ref.PL:Gwint Ref.

Codice A B C
CAP 08 ECO 15.8 16.0 8.5
CAP 10 ECO 19.0 19.5 10.0
CAP 12 ECO 22.0 24.5 12.5
CAP 13 ECO 26.0 28.0 13.5
CAP 14 ECO 26.0 28.0 14.5
CAP 15 ECO 30.0 32.0 15.5
CAP 16 ECO 30.0 32.0 16.5
CAP 18 ECO 34.5 36.5 21.0
CAP 20 ECO 37.5 38.5 22.5
CAP 22 ECO 41.5 43.0 25.5
CAP 24 ECO 44.2 45.5 26.5
CAP 26 ECO 46.0 50.0 30.0
CAP 27 ECO 48.0 48.0 25.5
CAP 30 ECO 54.0 60.5 36.0

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