DLM produces different categories of technical caps: plugs, caps, lean protections, flange protections, quick-fit connector and component protections, nut stopper rings, automotive caps/plugs, paint masking plugs, other protections and our eco series.
Manufacturing technical caps from recycled plastic and thread protections
Are you looking for a specific product?
Just use the searching box below and find it easily!

ECO Parallel
EASY cap
The product belongs to categories lean protections, plugs. It is available in, with other colours available on request.

ECO Plugs male threaded
push-in/screw out
The product belongs to category plugs.
It is available in, with other colours
available on request.
Second Life Plastic
Green Catalog
Sustainability First
DLM Caps for the Environment
Materials obtained by molding recycled plastics from separated waste collection or industrial waste.

If you haven’t found the product you are looking for in our standard range, we can develop and make special versions on request.
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